Copyright page example for ebook

I thought id ease the confusion and give you the information you need to cover your ass when it comes to making your own kindle book page. Kindle copyright advice book copyright page examples for. How to use microsoft word to create an ebook pcworld. In the second installment well learn how to include a page, also known as front matter. How to format kindle ebooks page previously in the formatting kindle ebooks series, we learned about what goes in a title page and why. We at book cave prefer jutoh for ebook creation because it gives us more. Book copyright page examples for your ebook book writing tips. The page is most commonly found on the back of the books title page. Here is a page examplefeel free to refer to it when you. Even with this short example, your page will do the job its supposed to do, and give interested parties the means to contact you for publishingrelated questions. Access our free book page example as well as learn how to create a book page for your book so as to protect yourself. Its a digit code that identifies books, ebooks, cds, etc.

Its harmless, and you can create yourself one in less than 5 minutes. The most common approach is to put it on the verso the reverse side of the title page. Below youll find a sample page template you can use for your own book. Copyright page samples you can copy and paste into your book. If you are publishing an ebook only, you do not need an isbn. Learn the different parts of the page and where and how to get the data you need. How to format an ebook in word using styles updated april 7, 2020 derek haines 245 views comments using word styles is the easiest way to prepare your word file before you publish your ebook. How to create a copyright page in 5 minutes with template.

Kindle book copyright page examples for self publishing. Keep the whole thing as unobtrusive as possible and you cant go wrong. If you love independent bookstores like i do, i would encourage you to support yoursbookstores are the heart of many communities. Also, is it possible to register an ebook in the library of congress. Copyright page template to use in your book book design made. You can use styles to format an ebook or update its formatting to work on a different platform. Book copyright page examples for your ebook kindlepreneur. When you come to creating your own page, pick the elements that seem most suitable to your book. The symbol, or the word copyright, or the abbreviation. Copyright page example of copyright pages free copyright. If youre uploading a pdf to kdp, that means that you should make sure that it comes right after the title page and just before the table of contents. The page is standard in any book where its poetry, fiction, nonfiction, memoir, or comic. Heres an example of a page that has the necessary elements. To help you get it just right, im including a word page template for you to.